Society of Archer-Antiquaries
Logo of Society of Archer-Antiquaries


Forest green tie with single silver arrowhead motif £8
CD: Index to the Journal CDs £7.50
Coloured lapel badge £3.50
*CD: “Catalogue of Archery Clubs & Societies in the UK 1537 - 1939” (Monograph by Sterling & Soar) £10
*Booklet version of Monograph. A5 softback. £6.50
Coloured badge sticker 75p
Black & white badge sticker 50p
Metal lapel badge £3.50
*available to non-members  

Prices include post & packing but please add £1 for overseas delivery.

Ties from: A.G.Credland. MBE 10, The Greenway, Anlaby Park, Hull. HR4 6XH

All other items from: Alan Zenthon 12 Victoria Street, Loughborough Leic LE11 2EN

Or available at Society meetings

Cheques should be made out to "Society of Archer-Antiquaries" and enclosed with the order.
Bank transfer for the account of the Society of Archer-Antiquaries Sort Code 20 98 61 A/c No. 00824941 or to PayPal: [email protected] indicating friends & family

Two CDs of previous Journals Nos 1 – 45 will be sent as a gift to any member making a donation to the Society of £15 or more. It is stressed that these are for personal use of members only and that copyright applies to all articles.